HOSTA collection
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Hosta Collection
Hosta Collection end May 2003

Hosta Collection
Hosta Collection in winter
right : Hosta Walk under construction

Hosta walk

seedpods       seedpods         seedpods
Update 1/8/03 : some seedpods.
1 : The Gold Standard have a small number of seedpods
2 : This might be H "Lancifolia" ( not fertile ? ) or H. cathayana , the pods contain a lot of white seeds
3 : This is very strange : The H. Undulata sport has seedpods while no other Undulata in the garden has pods !

 H Lancifolia ?
The unlabeled Hosta motherplant and three year old babies June 2003 the plant was very probably selfed ( no other hosta near by and late blooms ) . The babies and their flowers resemble the mother .

 H Lancifolia ?
This might be H "Lancifolia" ( not fertile ? ) or H. cathayana
 H Lancifolia ?
seedlings end May , The illuminating markers are with the "White Letals".
 H Lancifolia ?